Picture list of directory: gr/DMU/A3000
kalavrita_kisvasut_kozepallomason.jpg (130511 bytes)
Diakofto-Kalavrita cog-railway,
DMU at the middle station
The middle generator car provides the power for the TC motors of the traction car (valley side), the other car has also a driving cab.
Date: 02. 08. 2001.
Location: Diakofto-Kalavrita cog-railway
Photo: Török Imre
Scan: Török Imre
Last update by: jimre
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kalavrita_pu_kisvasut_aggregatorkocsija.jpg (83573 bytes)
Diakofto-Kalavrita cog-railway, Generator car of the DMU
Date: 02. 08. 2001.
Photo: Török Imre
Scan: Török Imre
Last update by: jimre
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kalavrita_pu_kisvasut_szerelvenye.jpg (98964 bytes)
Diakofto-Kalavrita cog-railway, Kalavrita station
Date: 02. 08. 2001.
Location: Kalavrita
Photo: Török Imre
Scan: Török Imre
Last update by: jimre
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