Picture list of directory: hu/diesel/m61
m61015kt.JPG (62430 bytes)
After arrival with an express train from Budapest to Pécs in the early 1980's. NOHABs remained in traction here till 1986.
Date: 1983.
Location: Pécs
Photo: Kovács Tibor
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m61015a.jpg (74481 bytes)
Waiting for service. NOHABs cannot be seen at Budapest-Déli since 1996
Location: Bp. Déli
Photo: Kovács Ferenc
Scan: Jákli Imre
Last update by: groh
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M61_015.JPG (158887 bytes)
Location: Bp. Déli
Photo: Imecz László
Scan: Kovács Ferenc
Last update by: peci
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