Picture list of directory: hu/diesel/m61
m61m40ko.jpg (56734 bytes)
Location: Komárom
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m61019du.jpg (70035 bytes)
M61 near the banks of river Danube. Two of my favourites.
Location: Komárom
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m40220ko.jpg (51570 bytes)
The train of trainspotters is arrived from Budapest. The M40 locomotive is replaced here by an M61 (NOHAB).
Location: Komárom
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m61019ko.jpg (48648 bytes)
The train with the M61,019 is ready to depart.
Location: Komárom
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m61019v5.jpg (57744 bytes)
Our train is first stopped for photographig in a picturesque part of the Komárom-Székesfehérvár line (5).
Location: 5 sz. vonal
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m61019kj.jpg (73422 bytes)
Changing the ends of the train.
Location: Székesfehérvár
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m61019sa.jpg (62441 bytes)
Our special train Nr. 13012 stops at Sávoly, on the Budapest-Nagykanizsa line (30). The service of NOHABs was usual here till the beginning of the 90's.
Location: Sávoly
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m61019nk.jpg (53535 bytes)
Location: Nagykanizsa
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m61019v6.jpg (55040 bytes)
On the Nagykanizsa-Pécs line
Location: 60 sz. vonal, Gyékényes térs.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m61019vv.jpg (44739 bytes)
At the station of Vízvár
Location: Vízvár
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m61csop.jpg (58444 bytes)
A shot of our company with our train. Ferenc Joó, our leader is sitting on the nose of the NOHAB.
Location: Vízvár
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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md3005vv.jpg (67530 bytes)
MD3005 with a fast train is crossing at Vízvár
Location: Vízvár
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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60v-m61.jpg (45915 bytes)
Location: 60. sz. vonal (Gyékényes-Barcs)
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m61019de.jpg (47896 bytes)
Location: Bp. Déli
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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